Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Center of the Wheel

One fine morning, success greeted me,
By evening; I was throwing things around.
arrogant air, erratic ego, pompous pride...

The next morning, failure greeted me,
By evening; was picking up things.
Demolished dreams, punctured prestige, shattered spirit...

Now this morning, success waved again...
Today am neither throwing things around, nor picking them up.

Almost there... At the center of the wheel...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

या अल्लाह

हे अल्लाह, या अल्लाह
तेरी मर्ज़ी है क्या...
या अल्लाह...

वो जो मासूम हैं, वो जो महरूम है,
उनकी ग़लती है क्या...
हे अल्लाह

वो एक ज़ालिम है, तेरा सिपाही नहीं,
वो समझता है क़त्ल की मनाही नहीं,
वो जो कट के गिरे वो पूछे तुझसे,
कब होगी इस जग में तबाही नहीं...

हे अल्लाह, या अल्लाह,
तेरी मर्ज़ी है क्या,
हे अल्लाह

ईबादत - हथियार उठाना है क्या?
तेरी खिदमत में लाशें बिछाना है क्या?
क्यूँ हम मस्जिद में जा कर यूँ सजदा करें,
क्यूँ अब ये हाथ बन्दूक थामे नहीं?

हे अल्लाह, या अल्लाह...
तेरी मर्ज़ी है क्या,
या अल्लाह...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Firing a fire fighter...

When I declared the decision of establishing my own software company at my hometown - छपरा, people were terrified. I don't blame them as the idea of opening a software company in a place like छपरा is akin to the idea of opening a लिट्टी stall on the Wall Street. Even then I went ahead and established Ramadhar Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

After 10 years, when I look back I feel extremely satisfied and content that I proved my critics wrong. But in this journey, I had to face some stiff situations which I never thought I would face and had to make some decisions which would easily qualify as case studies in 'Decision Making' in any of the top business schools.

I am just going to narrate one such incident:

  • का हो बिनोद, का होखता हो?
  • का भइल भईया
  • न तहरा त हम बहुत्ते तारीफ़ सुन तानी आज कल। बड़ा नीमन काम कर तार तू।
  • का भइल भईया, बतायीं न, अइसे भीजां भीजां के मत मारीं।
  • न तहरा भीजां के मारी के सुखा के, रहब त तू कुक्कुर के कुक्कुरे।
  • का हो गईल भईया अइसे काहे बतियावातानी।
  • बतियावे के मन त करते नइखे हमार। मन त हमार करता की तहरा के कॉम्प्रेस क के डिलीट क दीं।
  • ऐ भईया, चाहे त जूता से मार के हमार मुंह लाल क दीं, पर बताईं के का भईल बा।
  • परेसान हो गईल बानी तहार सिकायत सुन सुन के भाई! जे काम करे के मन नइखे त कह द।
  • ना भईया, अईसन कौनो बात नइखे।
  • सब कोई के तू दांत कटले बाड़ का, जे सब कोई तहार सीकायत करता? हम खुदे observe कइले बानी, तू अत्त लम्पटगिरी करेल।
  • का कईनी भईया?
  • मुस्किल त ईहे बा की तू कुछो करते नईख। तहरा दू घंटा के कोडिंग में दू दिन लागेला। हम तहरा कभियो soft skills के training करत ना देखनी हं। तहार timesheets के कौनो ठिकान नइखे। तू एकदम्मे गोबर बाड़ का हो?
  • ना भईया, ई सब सच नइखे। चाहे त रजुआ से पूँछ लीं।
  • हं हं, काहे ना, एगो रजुए त तहार चमचा बा। ऊ भक्चोंदरवा के त हम अलगे देखब। ओकरा Java औ .NET एके बुझाला। हमारा सब पता बा, तू अ राजू, दुनो राते ऑफिस में रुक के Office LAN पे गेम खेलेला सन।
  • ना भईया, हमरा गेम खेले के होई त घरे ना खेलेब? पता ना के राउर कान भर देले बा?
  • ऐ बाबु, ढेर अंग्रेजी मत पाद हमरा सामने, बुझला नु। तहार जईसन के हम टट्टी छुड़ा देले बानी। ऊ सब त बाद के बात बा। ऊ client भिसीट के दिन तू jeans पेंट चमका के आ गईल रहला औ मुंहवा से मार पान गमकत रहे। ईहे professionalism बा तहार?
  • ऐ भईया, हम सीना ठोक के कह सकेनी की client हमारा से best impress रहे।
  • हं हं, काहे ना रही। तू whiskey पीये खातिर इतना खातिरदारी जे कईला, औ पी के जे गंध मचईले बाड़ तू, ऊ याद बा तहरा? ऊ दिन अगर client ना रहित नु, त चप्पले चप्पल देतीं तहरा।
  • काहे भईया, कौनो गलती भइल का हमरा से?
  • अरे छुछुंदर, अभियो नौटंकी? साले, हम सब देखले बानी जे जे कारनामा तू पी के कईले बाड़। ऊ कलाएंटवा के ठेठ में गाली देत रहला तू?
  • ना भईया! के कहलस रुआ से?
  • भक साले, हम अपना आँख से देखले बानी सब। तू CLIENT के जे सायरी सुनइले रहला नु, ऊ हमहू सुननी ह कान लगा के। का पोएट्री पदले रहला तू ओ दिन?
  • कुछो ना भईया। हम त बस एने ओने के बात करत रहनी।
  • एने ओने के बात?! हमरो सुनावा ना ऊ तहार poem जे तू client के ऊपर लिखले रहला। "You are simple, sober and pure गोबर। Your visit is majestic, divine and super कीचाइन"। अरे सूअर, ऊ कलाएंटवा सारा दिन जेकरा से मिलत रहे, सब से बस गोबर के मतलब पूछत रहे। ऊ त कह के , हम topic change कर देनी हर समय, ना त गोबर पुता जाईत ई company पे।
  • Sorry भईया, ऊ त हम दारू ना पीले रहीं।
  • एक दिन, दारू पी के हमार खूनो कर दिहा। ठीक नु?
  • का बोला तानी भईया, राउर त हमार बड़ भाई जइसन बानी।
  • देख बिनोद, हम बहुत्ते सोच समझ के ई decision ले ले बानी की तू हमरा के माफ़ क द। बोरिया बिस्तर बाँध अ निकल एहिजा से।
  • का?!! का भईया? हमरा के निकाल तानी? हमरा के?
  • बस निकालते बानी, जूता नइखी मारत तहार मुंह पे, ठीक बा नु?
  • एतना दिन के सेवा के ईहे परिणाम भईया?
  • जेतना सेवा कईला, ओकरा खातिर बहुत बहुत धन्यबाद, तहार जइसन सेवक दूसमनो के ना भेटाव, राम राम
  • भईया, हम चल जाएब त ई कंपनी के खातिर ठीक ना होई, दोबारा सोच लीं।
  • हाँ! अब लगला तू देसी बोले। तब ले अंग्रेजी में बुदबुदात रहला। तहार मीठा बोली बंद करावे के भी इन्तेजाम कईले बानी। ल आपन बाप से बात कर।

  • हेल्लो।
  • हाँ, जगमोहन पाण्डेय बोल तानी। चिन्हला?
  • परनाम सरकार।
  • परनाम। अच्छा बिनोद, एगो बात बतावा, ई सुधिरवा औ बिनइया तहरे नु साथी बाड़े सन?
  • जी सरकार।
  • ऊ दोनों के रिमांड में रखले बानी हम। MLA के बेटी के छेड़े के complaint आईल बा। तहरो नाम बा ओमे , कब आके धरी तहरा?
  • ऐ हुजूर, हमरा कौनो हाथ नइखे ऊ incident में। हमरा जाए के बाद ऊ लोग बदतमीजी कईले रहे।
  • तू कह तारा त हम मान ले तानी, बाकी एगो बात कान खोल के सुन ल, आगे से एक्को गो complaint आईल ह, त हम तहरा खुदे आके जुतियात जुतियात थाना ले जाएब। बुझला नु?
  • जी सरकार।
  • हं, धर द।

  • त बिनोद जी, बिदाई लीं, राउर release letter हम कल पोस्ट से भेजवा देब।
  • परनाम भईया।
  • परनाम।

So, this was one of those numerous instances when I fired my employee. It was nowhere similar to any of those exit meetings which happen in those Multi-national software companies. Here, I not only had to deal with the employee on a more personal level, but also had to think about how to tackle the detrimental actions which may result from the expulsion. In the 10 year history of RSPL, I had to deal with many such employees who had a destructive bent of mind and criminal links. Firing them was the most difficult task. I called them the Fire Fighters. But then, I made it clear in the begining that Ramadhar Solutions Pvt. Ltd. was just not any other software company.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008




"When did you reach?"

"Before you, obviously!!"

"Yes, right. I am sorry, I got stuck in Traffic Jam"

"Oh! The same old story. I have got bored of hearing it. Aren't you bored of saying it"

"OK, shall I order something for you?"

"Yes, I'll have a Cappuccino"

"Two Cappucino Please"


"Uh.. Actually I have called you to say Sorry for the things which happened last night"

"I am listening"

"Yes, I shouldn't have said all those things which I said"

"You know what, Your 'Sorrys' and your 'Won't happen again' don't affect me anymore. You will be all contrite today and then commit the same mistake again"

"Yes, I feel your anger is justified. It must be terrible to bear with my behavior"

"Oh, if only you could be at my place ! How insensitive can you be?!!"

"I am really sorry"

"Oh just leave it"

"Please cool down"

"Just Shut up"

"Hmmm... So how are things at home?"

"Same old story. Papa is asking me to go and meet this guy who has come from London. He's hell bent on marrying me to him."

"What have you said to him?"

"I told him that I am not going to marry this soon"

" What did he say?"

"He said 'I am not forcing you to marry him, just meet him and blah blah... But I know these tricks"

"How's the guy? Have you seen him?"

"Ya I have seen the photo. He is good looking"

"and bloody rich"

"Yes, that तो I told you ना "

"Why don't you go and see him once?"

"No way, if he impresses me, what will happen to you? Ha ha"

"No, seriously, Just go and meet him once"

"OK, I will see that later"

"Hmmm, why did you throw that sugar sachet?"


"You just threw that Sugar sachet away. Why?"

"Have you gone crazy?"

"No just answer me,why did you throw it?"

"Oh please yaar, I didn't throw it. I have manners unlike you. It just flew away. Anyway, it was empty. Why are u so bothered?"

"So when it's empty, it is useless. Right?"

"No, I should even eat up the sachet with the sugar? What's the matter with you?"

"Life is like a sugar sachet, our life especially."

"What are you saying? I can not understand."

"When the sugar goes out of life, it's better to take a new sachet"

"You mean..."

"Just think, when was the last time when we enjoyed each other's company?"

"Ages ago it seems"

"When was the last time we ended our conversation without an argument?"

"I don't remember"

"Sugar has run out of our sachet!"

I hate it when you sound so philosophical!"

"Yes, it has, just think about it"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I want to gift you a new sachet"


"Life is not a movie where everything is rosy and nice"

"I know that"

"Life can be very cruel if you take it for granted. Right now you think you have everything but when you're married to me, things will be different"

"I know"

"You won't have the privileges you enjoy, being the daughter of Mr. Anoop Rajawat"

"I am prepared for that"

" You are not. I have seen that."

"Don't judge me"

"I am not judging you,I am comforting you. You think that you will be happy after marrying me, but you can not see that you will have to make many compromises which will frustrate you. Just take yesterday's example"


"It is not a problem that you couldn't adjust yourself to my ways."

"Even you could never ever feel what I felt"

"I know. Well, we just can't blame each other"

"You can not blame me for sure"

"It is OK if you feel that I am not the right person for you"

"No I never felt so"

"I said, it's alright. Not your fault. The time has come when we realize our mistakes and move on"

"Wait a minute. What are you trying to say? It gives me a feeling that you are trying to break up with me.."

"No, how can I? I am just breaking down with you. Both of us have borne a lot in this relationship. Don't you think we should re-kindle the magic?"

"Yes, we should"

"So, promise me that you will always be my friend"

"Are you trying to go away from me?"

"No, I can never be away from you. Just that I want to make you feel the happiness you felt before you met me. Just get out of that boundary which has been imposed on you by this relationship."

"I don't understand what you are trying to say"

"Have you seen a baby? Have you seen a happy baby?"

"There you go again!!"

"No, answer me please, Have you seen happy babies?"

"Yes I have"

"What's the reason for their happiness?"

"They are not in a relationship?"

"No, because their happiness depends on small things like food, sleep and mother's care"

"Hmmm, so?"

"Let's become baby again"

"Oh! I would love to"

"Let's search our joys in little things of life, not from each other"


"Yes, be happy in everything you do"

"I am happy always"

"Even after talking to me?"

"No, not after that..."

"So just divert your mind from whatever makes you unhappy"


"And let's try to enjoy our life irrespective of each other"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I have never been this serious in my life, just want you to be happy. Nothing Else"

"But I am happy with you. I love you"

"No, You just assume that you love me because you have been telling that to yourself for eternity. So many times that when that love vanished you didn't even realize. Now, get out of this assumption. It'll affect you adversely, otherwise"

"You... What?? I don't understand"

"Just know that you will be happy in your life from now. You will do all those things which you felt excited about"

"No, I can't leave you"

"I am not asking you to leave me, just feel relaxed and don't let this relation take any toll on you."

"Yes, right"

"And as for me.. I will be always around. I am your friend first."

"Yes, I know"

"Just relax"

"We will meet again?"

"Yes obviously, but promise me that you will take control of your life and will be happy"

"Yes I promise"

"So just take care, and yes; I forgot to tell you that tomorrow I am leaving for home. Will come back on Monday."


"OK then, see you soon, if time permits"

"Ya, OK bye, call me when you get time"

"Yes, definitely I will..."




"Hi, where were you?"

"I was waiting by that boutique. so how was it"

" Nice and smooth! "

"Did she cry?"

"Never let her realize what was happening before it was over"

"What if she calls you?"

"Sweetheart, she doesn't have my new number..."

Friday, May 30, 2008

Boy! Burning Bright

When Future will be on the hold,
For just me to decide...

Walking in entirety,
The world I'll arrive...

You will see when I go past,
every obstacles you show...

With head held high and to the sky,
I'll make myself go...

That silence, look, that disbelief,
Just let me you enjoy...

"Is he there, oh! he's there,
Yes, he's our sunny boy!"

Wait for the time to be so jealous,
To be happy and proud,

When I will be a player in the field,
For me You will be crowd.............................................................................................................................

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Verge of Perdition

I'm dying a natural death...

With no wish to live again, love again,
I've chosen my path,
Have chosen this death bed...

I'm dying a natural death...

Utterly satiated with life,
No shame and No regret,
Never worried about the past,
Nor worrying about the fate...

I'm dying a natural death...

Faced this dissonant life as a musical,
Happiness as eternal,
Sorrows as ephemeral,
Eventually realizing,
there's nothing; I can really get...

I'm dying a natural death...

Tears were a constant companion,
Although I hated them purely,
They were there, always there,
In elation, in sorrow, in prosperity, in misery,

Now when they too have dried up,
I am following the path of my mate....

I'm dying a natural death...

As long as this heart beats,
Your memories will certainly haunt me,
As long as I see you standing there,
I know you will always want me,
So just let me take this last breathe,
Stop worrying for me, for...

I'm dying a natural death...